Red, White, and Blue
Tally Whacker 2003
Alderbrook Golf & Country Club - August 23 & 24
Won by Bob Pacquer (sixth time)
27 players - NO rookies (talk about lousy recruiting!)
Participant: | | |
Gary Alexander | | |
Joe Alongi (Past GTW and GPW) | | |
Steve Benjamin (after a long absence) | | |
Terry Campbell | | |
Bruce Colwell | | |
Gene Dell (Past GTW twice) | | |
Boyd Dobbins | | |
Roger Francis (Current and future GPW) | | |
Dennis Johnson (Future GTW and past GPW twice) | | |
Bill Kelley | | |
Neil Macdonald (Past and future GPW) | | |
Mac McKern | | |
Steve Morrison | | |
Art Nelson | | |
Steve Northfield | | |
Rick Olson | | |
Bob Pacquer (won this year for the 6th time! - GPW 4 times) | | |
Mike Pinch (Future GTW) | | |
Mike Pitcher | | |
Dave Pringle | | |
Dick Roberts | | |
James Rozmaryn | | |
Randy Russell (Past GTW twice) | | |
Mike Schuler | | |
Burt Straight | | |
The theme for this year was "Red, White and Blue." This theme came in many shapes and sizes but overall, the theme was fairly patriotic. Thanks to Art Nelson for coming up with this one. Although photos were taken, none have surfaced to date. I do remember wearing a great pair of red, white and blue boxer shorts as did Bill Kelley. Don’t ask how we figured that out. Unfortunately, like many other years, the individual results have been lost so I have no idea who won which events or who came in 2nd or which team won the horserace or the scrambles.
Bob Pacquer won the Grand Tally Whacker trophy for the 6th time showing that he is and always has been the one to beat! Roger Francis (me) became the Grand Putter Whacker for the 1st time. The Putter Whacker trophy was won in a one hole putt-off. The putt was about 75 feet long and I drained the putt, longest of my life. Randy Russell did the exact same thing in 1998 to win the Grand Tally Whacker.