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A Tribute to Payne Stewart

Tally Whacker 2002
Alderbrook Golf & Country Club

Won by Randy Russell

25 players - 3 rookies

Participant:Points Accumulated:Place
Gary Alexander3
Joe Alongi104th place
Terry Campbell6
Bruce Colwell3
Gene Dell3
Boyd Dobbins4
Roger Francis5
Tom Harry0
Bill Kelley5
Eugene Ketchum1
Neil Macdonald2
JP Martinek0
"Mac" McKern0
Art Nelson2
Rickard Olson6
Mike Pinch5
Dave Pringle2
Jim Rozmaryn5
Randy Russell131st place
Mike Schuler5
Burt Straight113rd place
Richard (RT) Taylor7
Mike Temple122nd place
Tom Thompson1
Jeff Zenter7

Payne Stewart, one of the most beloved and respected golf pros on tour perished in a plane crash on October 26th, 1999. Having really enjoyed his play over the years, I thought it only fitting to do "A tribute to Payne Stewart" as the theme for 2002. As such, everyone came in "knickers" (very hard to find) and a Payne Stewart golf hat. Check out the photos on this website.

We only had 25 players this year. There were many many conflicts. Recruiting was weak this year and we ended up with only 3 rookies. One of those was JP Martinek, a friend of Rickard, who drove with him out from Atlanta!

Randy Russell won with 13 points and Mike Temple was hot on his heels (or putter if you will) only one point behind. Mike Temple did get to take home the Grand Putter Whacker trophy.

Champions in the Horserace this year were Jeff Zentner and Gene Ketchum followed by the team of Mike Pinch and Jim Rozmaryn.

Scramble winners on Saturday: Joe Alongi, Mike Temple, Burt Straight (3 man team)
Scramble winners on Sunday: Randy Russell, Terry Campbell, Burt Straight (3 man)
Mike Pinch won the grand prize for the late-night KP on #6.

I don't want to play golf. When I hit a ball, I want someone else to go chase it.
- Rogers Hornsby
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